December 4, 2013

Politics, Love, & Screenwriting: A Conversation with Steve Faber


by Angela Guess

If you’re ever lucky enough to cross paths with Steve Faber, ask to buy him a drink. You won’t regret it.

Steve is the scribe behind Wedding Crashers and the recent hit, We’re the Millers. A fellow UCLA alumnus, Steve started his professional life as a lawyer, then realized it was “a tremendous mistake.” He gave himself one year in Los Angeles to try his hand at writing, and within that year he was able to begin a new career in television. He wrote for a variety of sitcoms–most notably Married with Children–before making the switch to features. Currently, Steve is in pre-production on a broad comedy called Sugar Daddy and is developing a romantic comedy about love & marriage called Backspace. Steve also has his own political column on The Huffington Post called Washingwood.

I met my share of vibrant, creative people at the recent Austin Film Festival & Conference, but the two encounters I had with Mr. Faber were by far the most fascinating.

I asked Steve for an interview in advance of the conference, and he was kind enough to oblige. Ultimately he and I met for a drink prior to our actual interview, and the phrase “This is off the record” escaped his lips a few dozen times. I sincerely wish I could share some of that conversation here, but I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for Steve to write his memoir.

Later in the conference, Steve and I met for a formal sit-down, and what follows is a transcript of that conversation. Read on for Steve’s insights on maximizing your creativity, female comedy writers, the key to a successful marriage, and why a sense of “sadness and poignancy” is essential to great comedy. Continue reading

December 4, 2013

Quote of the Day: Steve Faber

We all write about the same things. We may disguise it, but we all write about love.

December 3, 2013

How to Make Screenwriting with a Partner Easier


by Angela Guess

Products and services that claim to make you a better writer abound on the internet. Everyone claims to be a script guru, to have the course or the book or the contest or the software that will take you to the next level. And inevitably most of these products and services turn out to be a lot of crap.

But every once in a while I’ll find a rare gem that actually helps screenwriters write better, easier, or more creatively. WriterDuet is one such service.

WriterDuet is an online collaborative screenwriting program that lets writing teams outline, chat, and write together in real-time over the internet. It’s essentially free screenwriting software that can be used by multiple people to edit the same document at once. You can upload a scene or a whole script into the program, and when you’re done working on it with your partner or writing team (wherever they may be), you can export the file in Final Draft or PDF format. Continue reading

December 3, 2013

Quote of the Day: Moliere

I always do the first line well, but I have trouble doing the others. 

December 2, 2013

The Butler Script


The Butler script was written by Danny Strong.

December 2, 2013

42 Script


The script for 42 was written by Brian Helgeland.

December 2, 2013

Quote of the Day: Pete Hamill

Writing is the hardest work in the world not involving heavy lifting. 

November 28, 2013

Prisoners Script


The script for Prisoners was written by Aaron Guzikowski.

November 28, 2013

Quote of the Day: Leo Rosten

The only reason for being a professional writer is that you just can’t help it. 

November 27, 2013

Gravity Script


The script for Gravity was written by Alfonso Cuaron and Jonas Cuaron.