Posts tagged ‘sounds’

September 4, 2013

Write Better by Creating a Coffee Shop at Home

8521538999_897e97312a(We were on summer break for a few weeks, but we’re glad to be back. Hope you didn’t miss us too much — we missed you!)

At LA Screenwriter we’re always on the look out for ways to be more creative, more productive, and overall better writers. A friend of the website shared a new tool with us that claims to do just that. is a website and app that lets you play coffee shop sounds while you work. The site claims that the low murmur of a coffee shop is an ideal environment to spur creativity (and many writers would attest this). If you can’t always head to your local cafe to write, Coffitivity brings the coffee shop to you.

Personally, I frequently write in coffee shops, but always block out the noise with music that I think best fits whatever I’m working on. These Coffitivity folks might be on to something, though. Give it a shot and let us know if the comforting sounds of coffee improve your writing.

Or if you know of any other ingenious tools like this, please share!

photo credit: Sam Howitz (Flickr)